Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, August 13, 2011

da - Boom at Da-Tuum Part 01

hello darlings...

its beeen a while.... dun blame me, lets pin-point 2 my new  'baby project' which is  keeping me running up n down butterworth, Bertam, KL...but i wudnt complaint coz im totally DOWN for this "ride"..yeah, BRING IT ON, baby.....!! 

Firstly, lemme picture my condition now : its weekend Saturday, im all alone in the office, only accompanied by the sound of plotter printing my 20 sets A1 drawing, n suddenly my mind struck to dis long neglected blog..poor her..

ok neva mind, since it wud take like about 2 hours to 430 p.m (yeay, balik time), im gonna share my recent activities last July..Are u ready..?hehee...

But before that,  let me flash back a bit to the earlier year when i first submitted my LAM membership (Lembaga Arkitek Malaysia) as Graduate Architect ..yeah , i know,  like "after 2 years + working?? rugi rugi RUUUU-GIIIII, WASTED all the projects n experiences that ive personally in charge in 2 years..... i know, guys..but at least i have  became one  now..hehee..(blink eyes repeatedly)

after ive been officially accepted as  LAM member, i cant help but kinda overwhelmed excited n crossing fingers for d awaiting  DATUM ~ The Biggest Festival for Architecture Geniuses n Geeks...it was scheduled to b in July.. So, with much anticipation, in June i've downloaded the form, fill it up, berangan im there with "PARTICIPANT" tag aroud my neck..BANGS!!!...all of sudden i only realized i hav never sign up with PAM (Persatuan Arkitek Malaysia) as member..that means ive to pay  600 bugs  instead of RM 400 (as PAM member, we are subjected to  get discount for any event organised by PAM, which DATUM is) ..its 200 bugs extra, n its kinda a lot, n im all ova KACHIWA n it looks like DATUM is so not goin to b real this time...plan kaput..

but nak dijadikan cerita,d next day, hubs called up n informed that his superior insists him to attend DATUM n my reaction was like "nak ikoooot, tak kiraaaaaa, tak aaaaciiii....!!" so, he has to drag me there, no choice..hehee..

Heres our tentative :

Wednesday, 6:00 pm- already on our way to KL, drivin n during half of the journey, i recalled this one makan place that my consultant team used to drop by for dinner, it is only 2 minutes away frm  Changkat Jering Toll Exit (50 m)  if im not mistaken nama kedai Nurzetty Mee Udang .Burung Puyuh itu sangat rangup pliz....hubs was impressed n happily eaten 3 nasik tambah wif d lauk. heheee...yumaaaay...but apologize that the pics of burung puyuh grg   is not available..but mayb i can assist you to the kedai using this wikimaps. 

how to get there~ Kedai Burung Puyuh Goreng
 (kindly click this image for clearer view)

a quick glimpse at the shop -Nur Zetty Mee Udang
at kedai  burung Puyuh  Goreng ..Hubs muka lapar, d course not on table yet..
myself muka  eksaited  jalan2..

 day 01 DATUM (Thurday, 31 July'11)  ~ Green Building Forum 
yeay, its shopping spree day  coz im not attached with dis Green Forum, but hubs is..so, after sending him  to KLCC Convention Centre, n finished with the registration for both of us, i took the car out n heading to Jalan TAR..
GBF-Green Building Forum

But before that  i hav a mission to b accomplished ~that is to find cheaper carpark for the whole  day..luckily, after sesat driving for 1  hour, i accidentally passed by this open space carpark with signboard written RM7.00 = Maximum Fees.. so, whut im waiting for...?Vroom..Mission one checked n did i mention its walking distance to Jalan TAR n Sogo.. pow...!
 Spotted this one big shawl n scarf shop ooposite Sogo n after 30 minutes i managed to grab 4 of 
 them..good job, Miz Tassh..hehee..

one of the catch at Jln TAR...XOXO..

suddenly, i saw my BBM blinking n was so thrilled to find out it was my ex housemate penthousemate, Nawwa..she is working at Jln Raja Laut n more than happy to join me for the shopping spree n lunchies..d more the merrier..haha...

here's Nawwa..lunchies....

So much to share, tonnes of piccas that i wanted to show u...im so taken away babbling in this blog, gotta check out whut happened to my A1 drwg..ewww...

to be continued.................................xoxo



  1. k.tasha..its been awhile since your last update...do update more for those yg jauh..like me hehehe =P

    Selamat Berpuasa Ksha =D

  2. farah : dat so sweet dear...nnt dtg la jln2 alor staq..pok ckp, bilik byk, bwk nasir n peminat crita korea, Nadia...hehee

  3. tasha! awat muka mamat kena stone ja? hahhaha. weh aku balik cuti raya nanti aku pi bukak posa rumah hang tau. tak sabaq ni.

  4. sawa..mai la mai la...aku masak beriyani kt hang..todia, ambitious giler...hehee..crossing fingers to c u babe!!!mmuahks!
